Oil & Acrylic Painting Class with Stuart Roddy

Oil & Acrylic Painting Class

This workshop encourages beginners as well as artists who want help finishing an oil painting. These classes give students the time for class instruction/discussion, plus ample time to implement the teachings.

Instructor | Stuart Roddy
Stuart Roddy is a teacher at Sterling High School, Sauk Valley Community College and TNPS. He received his BA and MA at the University of Illinois. Roddy has won numerous awards including Best of Show Rockford, 2004 & 07, the Phidian Art Show President’s Award, and many awards over the year at TNPS’ Nuts About Art show.

His work
Roddy is a contemporary landscape painter focusing on expressive realism, including regional landscapes, cityscapes, and skyscapes. He is also working on large florals.

Details of class
DAYS/TIME: Held on Tuesdays at 5:30-8 p.m. Flex Schedule. You may start at any time.
COST: Six week tuition: Members: $99.00 | Non-Members: $125.00
AGES: 16* and older.
*Exceptions can be made for experienced students.

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Our Sponsors

United Way of Lee County Illinois
NEA logo
Illinois Arts Council Agency
Sauk Valley Bank Logo

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