Friday, August 6, 2021
10:00 am
4:00 pm
The Next Picture Show (TNPS) presents our latest art exhibit, “Absolutely Abstract,” featuring 66 individual works of art using a wide variety of media including acrylic, alcohol ink, cold wax, cotton, digital photography, eggshells, felt, glass, hot glue, metal, mica powders, oil, silk, watercolor, and wood.
Opening Reception
Local artist and teacher, Heather Shore, serves as awards judge. Awards will be presented at the Absolutely Abstract Awards Reception on Friday, July 30, 6-8 p.m. Live music by the jazz duo of Jim Kanas with Doug Lofstrom on bass.
Award Winners
Awards were presented at the Absolutely Abstract Reception on Friday evening July 30 at The Next Picture Show in Dixon.

Glenn Bodish of Dixon was recognized with a
Best of Show ribbon for his mixed media & acrylic piece “Seeing Spots.”
First Place went to Beth Hughes of Dixon for her oil on canvas “Absorption.”
Second Place to Lorena Malm of Princeton for “Conducive Pairing,” a work done in oil paint, eggshells, and copper tape.
Third Place to Larry Bond of Sycamore for his watercolor “Traffic.”
Honorable Mentions were also presented to Joy Meyer of Dixon for her acrylic, “Cool with a Touch of Warm,” and Bill Vose of Paw Paw for the mixed media “Do Not Go Gently…”
The judge / entertainment
Sterling-based artist and teacher, Heather Shore, served as awards judge. Jim Kanas & Doug Lofstrom provided entertainment as a jazz duo during the reception.
Sponsored by
The exhibit is sponsored by
Exceptional Dentistry, 724 N Brinton Ave, Dixon, IL 61021, (815) 288-4731, and
Periodontics of Rockford – Dixon, 629 North Galena Avenue, Suite 230, Dixon, IL 61201, Phone: 815-261-1739.